Dry Skin
feels tight in the morning
may have rough or flakey patches
may be itchy
dull appearance
Oily Skin
feels slick tot he touch
has shiny appearance
produces oils in the t-zone and the cheek area
pores are enlarged
prone to blackheads and acne
Combination Skin
usually dry on the cheeks but oily in the t-zone
enlarged pores (usually on the nose)
maybe dry combination (dry on the cheeks, normal-to-oily in the t-zone) or oily-combination (oily in the t-zone, dry-to-normal on the cheeks)
Dehydrated Skin
skin is visibly dry and may have rough or flakey spots but produces excessive sebum
often mistaken for oily skin due to oil production, in turn making it worse by using drying products
should be treated as dry skin, despite oily appearance
Sensitive Skin
reacts negatively to many products, often breaking out of becoming very dry
may become red or hot when touched
may have visible blotchiness/red areas
may be itchy
Acne-Prone Skin
prone to acne
usually combination to oily
products easily cause acne flare-ups
can be caused by sensitivity or hormonal imbalances